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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Barcelona Boot Camp!

"Barcelona Boot Camp" training is over and soon 9 adventurous middle school students along with 2 courageous teachers will be off to explore Barcelona as they embark on our first ever exchange trip to Spain. We had an amazing time hosting students from the St. Peter's School last spring and we are looking forward to seeing our friends from Spain again! Stay tuned for more pics and updates... 

Design Thinking

Spanish III students are taking part in a pilot project for a Global Learning Institute. We have been using "design thinking" to brainstorm lessons our students can teach to others to learn Spanish. Here is a glimpse into our first days of the process...

What If????

We had dances and chatting and fun apps...

Or, what if....

We could build models that teach concepts? 

4/5 Games

4/5's are using games to show concepts they learned this term. After creation they will test them, fine tune them and then play them with the younger students to see what they can teach. Naming just a few..."The Chocolate Game", "The Tornado" and "The Lilypad"! 

Coming soon...The "All Spanish" puppet theater brought to you by the 4/5 class. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our puppets from art class to Spanish class to begin the adventure!

Dame tu Mano - Give Me Your Hand

K/1 students dance to Spanish song "Dame tu Mano" from the Los Lunnis show. 

K/1 Legends

K/1's are enjoying legends in Spanish. They learned about how pictures can tell stories in many languages. 
Volcano Dogs

Hard at work

Graffiti Board

With the Graffiti Board students are literally communicating across the board! All grade levels can write notes to each other in Spanish on this fun new classroom feature. Last week's theme was favorite movies and this week it is favorite animals. Students are enjoying learning new vocabulary, experimenting with writing and checking the board for new "likes" and "comments" each day. Sometimes I wonder, do they even realize they are communicating in the target language? Great risk taking opportunity for even my quietest learner. Que dices tu?

Graffiti Board

Catching Fire - Si, me gusta!

PreK Spanish

Integrated Spanish continues...last week I visited the "zapato" shop which always seemed to be "cerrado" when I arrived and then I had to beg it to be "abierto". This week I enjoyed reading with students and making paper "osos". One student helped me to make a special "hola" oso to hang around class when I was away to make sure that students were speaking their Spanish!

2/3 Weather reporters on the job

The 2/3 class is hard at work in the studio to bring you the latest weather updates from around the world. Stay tuned for video clips coming soon!